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من عاشق دانشگاه های آمریکا هستم. ممکنه بگید بله کیه که عاشق سیستم آموزشی درست درمون این کشور نیست؟ اما من منظورم سیستم آموزشیش نیست.البته عاشق سیستمشون هم هستم اما اون  به کنارمن عاشق این دست و دلبازیشون تودادن فری ستاف هستم . بله در هر سال تحصیلی چند بار سازمانهای دانشجویی نمایشگاه میذارن و خودشونو به دانشجوها معرفی میکنند و از دانشجوها میخوان که تو برنامه هاشون شرکت کنند. در حین این معرفی هر غرفه هم کلی خودکار و جا کلیدی و مداد و دستبند و دفترچه و تی شرت و....... میده. کاملن مجانی به تعداد فراوان .نیازی به دعوا و هول زدن و پارتی بازی و صفهای آنچنانی نیست!به همه میرسد. بیشتر این سازمانها کلی کلاس یوگا و اموزش دفاع شخصی و برنامه های متنوع مجانی میذارن که کلی مفیده ومن که بار اولم نبود به این دست نمایشگاهها میرفتم اینبار خودمو لوس میکردم و به هرغرفه که میرسیدم با یه حالت مظلومی و بی خبری میپرسیدم:" این برنامه مجانیه؟" یا مثلن یه غرفه ای که میگفت 3 تا روزنامه معتبر در فلان مناطق کمپاس ارائه میشه  با تعجب میپرسم :"ایز ایت فری؟" و اونا با احساس تماممیگن: " شوررر " و من خوشحال و خندان فری ستافمو میگیرم و میام خونه. شوهرم به نقل از دوستش مثلی رو  تعریف میکنه که هر وقت چند تا هندی دیدی که با هم میرن جایی دنبالشونو بگیرید حتمن جایی چیز مجانی میدن. حالا باید مثلو عوض کنیم بگیم هروقت دیدین مریم با اشتاق داره میره  کمپاس دنبالش برید حتمن جاییفری ستاف میدن.

هرگونه  قضاوت درباره  رفتار "فری ستاف جویی " اینجانب آزاد میباشد . :))) 

Are you a Ninja?

  • *I go to swimming pool and I wear an Islamic swim wear! I was in steam sauna, suddenly I heard someone’s whispering! There was a boy whom came besides me and asked me: ” Are you a Ninja ?” : )) I started laughing and answered him: “ Noooo”. Of course I explained him about my religion!

  • *There is a department store in the US which is known as Salvation Army. People donate some extra stuff that don’t use anymore to the Salvation Army and the store sells those by a low price and set aside 80% of the purchases for poor people. There is a special aisle that sells some video tapes and CDs. I was amazed by enormous number of work out movies! Do you know why?? It looks like some People didn’t achieve their dreams or they didn’t have what it takes!! So they donated work out CD hopelessly to the salvation  army.

  • *One of the programs that universities in the US run for informing students  is “love your body”.  This  include seminars and films about body and fighting with anorexia. It tries to change American students’ attitude about their body. Sometimes I feel sorry for Iranian girls who just want to be fashion and skinny  and there is not any program to get them informed of what is waiting for them…….Anorexia.

  • Maryam 5th Aprill 2012

step by step to approach God

  •   I grew up in a religious family, since I can remember all my family prayed GOD 3 times a day. During all school years we passed so many courses about religion. Now you can understand the situation - which I want to speak about- a little bit better:
I was walking with a Chinese girl, we were chatting. our conversation went toward religious concepts, she said :“All holly books are just sweet stories, God doesn’t exist”. I was shocked !!! ” No God exists, and the holly books are not just stories they are God’s speech” I said. And she laughed…….
Perhaps she needs “step by step to approach God” book.J
·  There is a difference between Iran’s young generation and America’s youth! Iranians are always complaining, they say:” we don’t have this, we don’t have that, we don’t have enough facilities to enjoy life, and we have no way to spend our free time? “

I live in a really small town in the US, I explain how young American spend their spare time:

1-they go to the movie theaters.
2-whenever the temperature rises a little, they come out of their houses and start playing outdoors!
3-They exercise, no matter how fat or skinny they are, they work out as an enjoyable activity.
4-they go to restaurants.
5-They do so many volunteering activities!
6- They read books.

Yeah they enjoy what they have, even in a small college town………J
Maryam 5th March 2012